I know this may be a case of TMI (too much info) and you may not care about what I smell like, but I wish you could smell me through the computer because damn I smell good! If the fact I am writing about how I smell is creeping you out I understand, I will not be hurt if you click away...
Oh good you’re still with me. Ok so the reason I smell so awesome is this fabulous handmade soap found here: www.crownofrue.etsy.com
Now I know what you are about to say; “but how can I buy soap off the Internet? I can’t smell it, how do I know I will like it?” Trust me, you will like it. Just do what I did. Read through her list of soaps and the descriptions. Pick the one you think you might like the most and buy a bar. I decided to try the Vanilla Oak (pictured above) one of her most popular bars and I read her description:
“Not only does it make you smell incredible, it cures a crappy day, makes you feel like you've spoiled yourself for a change, and is known to induce romance.”
I will just say that in my experience this is a true statement and I will leave it at that. I quickly declared this to be my favorite soap. It is Vanillay, spicy, earthy, sexy, smell that I can’t even properly describe. Then a little while later I decided to buy some of her soap to give as gifts to my friends. I tried to think about what they would want and ordered a bar of the Cucumber and a bar of the Gardenia. Both smelled amazing, and I had to really talk myself into giving them away as planned. I came very close to keeping them for myself, but I was a good girl and gave them to my lucky friends who LOVED them by the way.

Since then I also tried the Orange Blossom and Magnolia and said, “Now this is my new favorite!” and was torn between wanting to smell like the vanilla oak and loving the orange blossom. That is until today, when I opened the Lakeshore (pictured above). I seriously can’t stop smelling myself right now! It’s fresh, beachy, a little floral, again hard to describe; you will just have to order a bar and smell it for yourself. Her soaps are all handmade, using only quality ingredients. The soaps come in guest sizes all the way to large bars. Along with an amazing variety of soaps you can also find lotions and perfume oils in her shop. I haven't tried these yet, but you can bet I will soon!

Now if the fabulous soaps weren’t enough, she also makes fabulous jewelry! She has a variety of necklaces, earrings and stemware bangles too. She is a crafting machine!
I am still not done... She also makes awesome magnets! I know right? Does this woman sleep?? I have purchased her magnets for myself and as little gifts for friends. Not only are her magnets pretty, and fun, they are also really well made and strong. I have my eye on these right now:

But wait…I am still not done! Her latest shop addition: Fabric!

“I have recently acquired some of my Mom's fabrics from her stash. After 70 years of sewing, hundreds of weddings, countless needlepoint projects and as head costume designer for over 50 plays, musicals and operas she has accumulated quite a bit of fabric, notions, trims, laces, yarns and other items which I will be listing here.”
So if you are looking for handmade gifts, or something to pamper yourself with, or fun fabric, Crown Of Rue is a one-stop shop! Go check it out and good luck making a decision with so much fabulousness to choose from. Let me give you a tip: you really can’t go wrong it’s all awesome.