I love making my little birdies, but I am afraid that some folks may not know what to do with them. I am OK with putting something pretty on a shelf, but know that many people want a more functional piece of decor. So here it is, my first clip-on ornament! I bought alligator clips used for electrical work at the hardware store, then bent the end so it can be shoved up into the bird body. (That just doesn't sound right I know, but I don't know how else to describe it)
I made sure to glue the clips in place with 2 part epoxy. Those suckers are not going anywhere!
Then I did my usual beading process, and made a silver heart for the birdie's chest.
I also got a new signature stamp for my silver tag on the bottom. I feel like it is a much cleaner and more professional look. I couldn't be happier with the way it turned out, now one down 5 more in the works!
HI Meredith! Your work is beautiful! I have a question: my cousin and her husband just adopted a baby and they are asking friends and family to make a home made bird for her mobile. I have tons of beads and wanted to make a beaded bird. I looked online for ideas and yours are exactly what I had in mind, although I don’t really know how to go about making it. Hehe. I was wondering if you could help me out, how do you do it?? Do you sew the beads on or glue them etc..Don't worry, I won't copy your pieces, I'll make it totally my own, I just need help in getting started. I understand if you don’t want to disclose your process but some tips would be awesome!! Thank you so much!! -Lisa